Check Your Management Style. What’s The Best Approach?

Being a manager is tough stuff, anyone who has ever had to manage people will tell you that. Managing people means managing varying personalities and work ethics and family / personal needs as a cohesive and productive team. It’s a job choreographing each day. Being a manager means quickly learning that all people are just a heck of a lot different and that can create frustration. So what’s the best approach? Let’s check out some key components.

Micro Management

The word in and of itself can raise blood pressure. At Check Issuing, we don’t believe in micromanagement, we believe in hiring the right people that we can trust to get the job’s accomplished. Sure, the owners are always watching our Check Fraud staff, but we don’t think it a good idea to constantly look over someone’s shoulder because it creates unnecessary anxiety on their part and unnecessary work on our side. So micromanagement should be replaced with extensive initial training. That’s the solution for payroll services for small business!

The Friend

This one is tough, all managers have a desire to be friends with their staff. But this is dangerous territory (on both ends of the spectrum). You don’t want to be so friendly that you get taken advantage of, but you also don’t want to be so overcompensating the other way that you become a bitter enemy. That’s a tough game. The best thing you can do is be a manager during work hours, make sure you are always in work mode at work, this will draw a line in the sand with your relationship with employees. You can still have the happy hour beer with them because they will see how you act and lead at work and there won’t be confusion.

Be a Teacher

Teach people. Know what you are doing. Sure, being a hiring manager means less task driven and more organization driven, but that doesn’t mean you should be dead to the company world. If you guys get new software, learn how to use it so that you can gain respect and so you can know things like how long task will take to be completed. Not understanding what software your employees use means being extremely limited.

Check Issuing Can Change Your Accounting Game

Boy, that headline sure wasn’t sexy at all. But you know what is sexy? Incredible client relations. I am going, to be honest, this blog post is going to be pretty darn boring, so I want to save you a little time. Why don’t you, instead of reading this blog post, go ahead and contact Check Issuing right now. and just get started. Get a real live amazing client service representative on the wire to show you what an amazing addition Check Issuing is for your business.
Or, OK, read away, you certainly aren’t hurting my feelings!
Do you want to focus on your amazing incredible product? Hopefully, the answer is YES! But if you are wavering on that response, just know, that’s what everyone at Check Issuing wants from you! Because we love amazing incredible products. How can we help? By taking all the pressure of sending out checks and securing your checks away from you. When that happens, something really magical happens pretty much immediately: You get to focus on your product! This means innovation, creativity, expansion, more sales, and way better night’s sleep.
Check Issuing makes sure your checks are secure with our security services for payroll checks, we do this at both the receiving bank level and all the way down to the material used on the envelopes. We prevent check fraud. Did you know check fraud is an enormous problem for corporations? Hopefully not, because that might mean it hasn’t happened to your company yet!
We help with branding. Our check disbursement and payroll services for small business can include your companies logo on it (how professional!). It can include memorandums. Messaging. Deals. Big happy smiley faces. Whatever you desire. This increases your ability to spread your brand and messaging all at the moment of payment. How are you not on the phone with us yet?

Why Outsourced Check Issuing May Be The Best Option To Tackle Payroll

Mondays, a cold shower, a bad headache. These are a few of the things that can get anyone down. If you are a small business owner, add payroll processing to that list. The only good news is that there are solutions for small business owners to use to avoid the payroll pain. Outsourced check issuing for one has emerged as a viable option for a lot of people in recent years.
Lower Expenses, Fewer Mistakes
When one plays their cards just right, it is possible to get checks issued at a lower cost and with fewer mistakes than in-house processing. Many of the outsourced providers offer additional services such as tax processing. This means that with the right partner, a business owner can solve all of his or her payroll issues all at once.
Outsourced providers take on the burden of getting everything right. They have a legal responsibility to maintain records and ensure that employees receive the correct payments. This takes the burden of potential mistakes off the back of the employer.
Companies That Benefit The Most From Outsourcing Payroll
Undoubtedly, the companies that benefit the most from our paycheck printing and mailing services are those with employees working various amounts of hours. Employers that hire a lot of temporary employees are especially likely to benefit from outsourcing their payroll. High turnover rates are another good reason to consider hiring an outsourced payroll provider. backs this idea up with a quote of their own,

If your company has employees working varying amounts of hours each week or has a significant turnover rate, a payroll service can be a time-saving and cost-effective alternative to internal processing.

They understand that if a company is attempting to process their payroll with constantly fluctuating hours and employees, it probably won’t go well. Outsourced providers, on the other hand, can handle it quite easily.
Additional Benefits of Payroll Outsourcing
Those who are still not fully convinced that this is the right measure to take should consider the additional benefits most services provide. For example, most are happy to do direct deposit for their clients. They are also likely to send out all of the necessary 1099 and W-2 forms and the like. This is what converts many into believers in the outsourced payroll system.